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  • Business Rates List Closes Soon

Business Rates Relief Deadlines

Have you received your Business Rates Relief for Retail, Hospitality and Leisure from your Local Authority?

We understand from various Clients that there is some disparity between Local Authorities when it comes to issuing rates bills for 2023-24. Some are automatically applying rate relief deductions, but equally a number aren’t.

We are also aware that some Clients have not been awarded the 50% rates relief for 2022-23. Applications for this relief will only be open until Friday 31st March 2023. Applications for 2023-24 will open in April.

Business Rates List Closes Soon

If you think you are eligible, please check on your Local Authority’s website.

If you need any assistance please do not hesitate to contact us on 01384 376964

Folkes Worton LLP Chartered Accountants
Focusing on your tax requirements – Accounting for the Future