Guidance for Clients 09.04.20
Following our recent communications, we wish to share the latest Government guidance surrounding the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme.
In response to the Coronavirus pandemic, the Chancellor announced a series of measures to support businesses and their employees. One of those measures is the CJRS, that allows employers to claim 80% of the wages of staff (up to a maximum of £2,500 per employee) that they have furloughed (been put on temporary leave). HMRC is working at pace to deliver the service that will allow businesses to make a claim.
Service launch
HMRC are ready to launch on 20 April. This will be made public shortly, at which point they will be contacting businesses to advise them what they need to do. They are expecting phone demand to be beyond their capacity to offer a normal service. Therefore, the service is designed to be self-serve with guidance in place.
Find out more
The latest guidance on CJRS can be found on GOV.UK by searching for ‘Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme’.
For all clients for whom we prepare payroll we will contact you in the next few days to discuss and make sure we have your requirements to apply at the earliest opportunity. We will also work closely with and help anyone else with payroll who needs any assistance.
We are continuing to operate as far as possible on a “Business as Usual Basis” with a skeleton staff in the office and other staff working from home. Please feel free to contact us should you have any concerns or need any assistance. We will continue to keep in contact.
We hope that you have an enjoyable Bank Holiday weekend albeit somewhat restricted, and that you and your families continue to stay safe and well.
Lastly, our thoughts and condolence’s go out to those that have suffered tragedy as a result of COVID-19 and reiterate that we are here to help in any way we can.
Stay safe everyone #InThisTogether #StayHomeSaveLives
Contact us on 01384 376964 or e-mail