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  • Lockdown II at Folkes Worton

Open and Working Safely

Folkes Worton LLP Chartered Accountants are OPEN in Lockdown II. We’re working safely and here to help. Call us on 01384 376 964

In these uncertain times, Folkes Worton will be remaining open to help support businesses through Lockdown II. Here’s a few things you might like to know about the way we’re working at the moment:

  1. All meetings will move to Zoom and Telephone calls to reduce contact and movement of the virus.  
  2. We have set up sanitising stations by both entries.
  3. Masks are now available and provided by Folkes Worton for staff to take if they need.
  4. One way system around the building to reduce staff working from the office from being in close contact.
  5. Staff may work from home if they wish and are actively encouraged to do so if possible.
  6. Extra spacing will be put in place to ensure the 2 metre rule is kept to for staff working in the office.

Folkes Worton – Accounting for the Future